2010 Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture

Download the application here: PDF | WORD

Dear Farm Friends:

As you know, the volunteer coordinators at Alemany Farm try to use
every workday as an opportunity for skills sharing and community
education. But many people remain eager for some more structured

So we are very pleased to announce that for the second year in a row,
Friends of Alemany Farm will be offering an Apprenticeship in
Ecological Horticulture.

To apply, please complete the application (PDF | WORD) and return it to:
ecologicalhorticulture@gmail.com. We will only be able to accommodate
30 people in the class. The application deadline is March 1.

The 11-month course will take participants through the seasons,
covering key garden and orchard tasks that occur in Spring, Summer,
Autumn, and Winter. Apprentices will learn core principals of food
production such as soil fertility and composting, propagation and
planting, seasonal tree care, water-wise irrigation, plant
identification, integrated pest management, and crop planning. The
hands-on training —using our vegetable gardens, herb gardens, and
orchards — will cover several methods of sustainable horticulture.

The Ecological Horticulture classes will start on Saturday, March 20
and will take place the third Saturday of every month at Alemany Farm.
The workshops will take place from 10 am to 5 pm, with a generous
break for a potluck lunch.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Thanks, as always, for your work to make SF more food secure.

The Farm Team

PS: Don’t forget our upcoming volunteer workdays: Saturday, Feb 13;
Monday, Feb 15; Sunday, Feb 21; Monday, Feb 22; and Saturday, Feb 27.