Spring Cleaning at Alemany Farm + Earth Day BBQ

Dear Farm Friends:

The biblical rains have finally stopped, the sun is out, and it’s really starting to feel like spring at Alemany Farm.

With the change of seasons, we’ve got plenty of things to do, including clearing the main garden of cover crops; tilling beds; building compost; and getting into spring planting. Plus, as always, plenty of native habitat restoration work in our stream and pond ecosystem and work in our hillside orchard. And then at the end of the workday we have plenty of collards, chard, kale, lettuces, and artichokes to share.

So please mark your calendars for these upcoming workdays and come out and play in the dirt!
Sunday, April 3
Monday, April 4
Saturday, April 9
Monday, April 11
Sunday, April 17
Monday, April 18

And please join us for our 5th Annual Alemany Farm EARTH DAY BBQ on SATURDAY, APRIL 23. More details to come, but you can expect plenty of food on the grill, potluck sides and desserts, music, and games for kids. Plus Potato Planting!

Thanks, as always, for all of your work to make SF more food secure.

The Farm Team

PS: And please remember for vote for Alemany Farm in the Organic Gardening contest at http://www.deloachcommunitygardens.com/. We currently in a tight race for 5th place, so we need your vote today!!