Beekeeping and Lettuce at Alemany Farm


Dear Farm Friends:

If you’ve decided to skip Bay to Breakers this year — who needs AM drinking and crazy costumes anyway? — but still want to enjoy what is supposed to be perfect weather this weekend, then come to Alemany Farm’s next community workday this Sunday, May 17. 

The folks from the CA Native Plant Society will be there helping to weed, water and mulch our ornamental garden in the education circle. We’ll also be doing some work in the medicinal herb garden to put in drip irrigation. As always, there will be other garden tasks such as weeding and thinning the green beans; planting out Brussels sprouts; and mulching the lower orchard. 

For those of you who took the first beekeeping workshop last month, there will a second beekeeping class starting at 1 PM with a chance, hopefully, to look in the hives. 

At the end of day, we will have mounds of lettuces, pak choi, onions, artichokes and strawberries to harvest and take home.

And if you really feel like wearing a costume to the Farm, that’s cool with us.  

Thanks, as always, for your work to make San Francisco more food secure, 

The Farm Team