Feb/March Upcoming Workshops

Farm Friends:

Coming up we have two guest workshop teachers, illuminating worlds of food that we often overlook amidst many beds of traditional annuals like peas, cabbage, and squash.

First, on Saturday, February 21st:

Mushroom Cultivation
Ken Litchfield (volunteer at Alemany Farm, teacher at Merritt College, and farmer in Moraga, CA) will share techniques and concepts around growing edible mushrooms using easy-to-come by materials. The plan is to make a “mushroom igloo” out of straw bales, but we shall see!

Then, on Sunday, March 1st:

Perennial Vegetables for San Francisco:

In this workshop, urban permaculturist Kevin Bayuk will help us explore low maintenance, drought tolerant, edible vegetation for the San Francisco garden.  We’ll grapple with the questions like: Why perennials?  What is a perennial? What plants work in San Francisco?  Can you garden with perennials and annuals?  Participants will also get a resource sheet of interesting perennials to try in San Francisco.

Both workshops occur on normally occuring workdays, so come down at noon for the workday and stay for the workshop!

These workshops are free but donations will be accepted.

Thanks, as always, for all of your work to make SF more food secure.

The Farm Team