Help Decide the Future of Alemany Farm!

Dear Farm Friends:

Each year Alemany Farm produces several thousand pounds of fruits and vegetables as healthy and free nutrition for San Francisco residents. We host dozens of field trips for classes ranging from kindergarteners to college students and manage instructional workdays for individuals as well as nonprofit, corporate and faith-based groups. We also sponsor horticultural workshops and community celebrations. As the City’s “urban food park,” Alemany Farm is a unique place for recreation, education, and community-building.

We are proud of the work that we are able to accomplish. But we regret we can’t do more.

For the last three years our all-volunteer Farm has been operating under a Recreation and Park Department-mandated moratorium. That means no new programs, no fundraising, maintenance only. Plans for expanded food production, grants for education programs, work programs for low-income youth, etc. have all had to stand idle as we wait for the City to develop a new management plan for the Farm.

During this time we have been engaged in a multi-stakeholder process to develop that management plan. We’re optimistic about the outcome, and are happy to report that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Right now, we need your help to ensure that Alemany Farm can meet its full potential!

On Tuesday, June 19, there will be a Community Meeting to review the final draft plan for the Farm. The meeting will take place at the St. Mary’s Recreation Center (Murray and Justin Drive, right at the top of the Farm), from 6:30 to 8:00 PM.

Please come to the meeting and lend your voice in support of the Farm! You can review the DRAFT management plan here:

In the coming months we will be going in front of the SF Recreation and Park Commission for final approval of the plan. We’ll keep you posted about the dates of that meeting, which will be a crucial chance to support more urban food production.

… In the meantime, we invite you to come out to the Farm for a special bee-themed workday. On Sunday, June 17, we will be focused on doing some repair and routine maintenance around our bee hive platforms. Karen Peteros of SF Bee-Cause will share samples of honey produced by hives in different locations throughout San Francisco. We will also have a fresh farm salad with dressings made from Alemany Farm honey. Come on out and taste the sweetness!

And don’t forget these other upcoming Alemany Farm workdays:
Monday, June 18, 1 PM to 5 PM
Saturday, June 23, Noon to 5 PM
Monday, June 25, 1 PM to 5 PM
Sunday, July 1, Noon to 5 PM

Thanks, as always, for your work to make SF more food secure.

The Farm Team