Janurary Rain?

Farm Friends:

By now, if you’re like us, you’re wondering: um, isn’t this winter? Shouldn’t we be cold, cozying up inside, or at least putting mud-flaps on our bikes?

Well, if climate change (aka global weirding) has got you down, come out to the farm for far-too-early-spring cheer!

Besides our upcoming January workdays (this coming Saturday, the 24th; Monday, the 26th, and Saturday the 31st), we will be hosting a free workshop on how to build cold-frames out of strawbales.  This will take place on the 24th, at around 3pm. Once we’re done, we’ll rally up with the rest of the volunteers to distribute the harvests from the day.

Thank you, as always, for your efforts to make SF more food secure,

The Farm Team